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Ham is a cut of meat from the heavy-muscled part of a pig or hog's rear quarter, between hip and hock. Hams are available fresh or cured, and sometimes smoked. There are many different varieties of ham that differ according to the methods used in curing and processing. The curing process is used to preserve, develop a deeper colour, and intensify the flavour of the ham. Hams are larger cuts used to serve several people. They are fairly low in fat but high in sodium and are available bone-in, semi-bone or bone-less. Three basic types of ham are explained below.

Cold-cuts are ready-to-slice and ready-to-serve products that consist of minced and/or blended meats that are seasoned and cooked and generally unsmoked. Cold-cut products are most often used for making sandwiches and hors d'oeuvres. They are available in loaves, rolls, canned and as pre-packaged vacuum packed slices. They require refrigeration and for maximum freshness, should be used 3 to 5 days after opening. Bierschinken, paprika lyoner and meatloaf are examples of sausage specialty products.


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