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Quantity to Buy

It is sometimes difficult to know just how much pork to buy to have the proper amount for a particular recipe or to serve to a specific number of people. Some of the information that will determine the quantity needed may be the type of cut you are selecting, whether the meat is bone-in or boneless, the number of people being served, whether or not it will be served in controlled portions, or if the meat will be served on a "help yourself" basis. The following information may be helpful in determining your needs.

The following points should be considered when purchasing cuts of pork:

· Lean bone-less cuts yield up to 5-6 servings per kg

·    Pork cuts with some bone yield up to 4-5 servings per kg.

· Bony cuts yield no more than 3-4 servings per kg.

· 1kg of minced pork produces about 8 cooked servings, which is the serving size recommended for a healthy diet.


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Meat Calculator

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Minimum Purchase

A minimum purchase of $100.00 is required.

Minimum Purchase

Minimum product item of $100.00 is required to do purchase for this order.
